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Ashton Kutcher还真是金酸梅的大爱。



Razzies 2011 Winners: 'The Last Airbender,' 'Sex and the City 2' Sweep

Worst Picture
  • 'The Last Airbender'

Worst Actor
  • Ashton Kutcher, 'Killers' and 'Valentine's Day'

Worst Actress
  • The Four Gal Pals, 'Sex and the City 2'

Worst Supporting Actor
  • Jackson Rathbone, 'The Last Airbender' and 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

Worst Supporting Actress
  • Jessica Alba, 'The Killer Inside Me,' 'Little Fockers,' 'Machete' and 'Valentine's Day'

"Worst Eye-Gouging Mis-Use of 3-D"
  • 'The Last Airbender'

Worst Screen Couple / Ensemble
  • The Entire Cast, 'Sex and the City 2'

Worst Director
  • 'The Last Airbender,' M. Night Shyamalan

Worst Screenplay
  • 'The Last Airbender,' M. Night Shyamalan

Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel
  • 'Sex and the City 2'


Independent Spirit Awards Winners

Best Picture: Black Swan

Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan

Best Actress: Natalie Portman, Black Swan

Best Actor: James Franco, 127 Hours

Best Supporting Actress: Dale Dickey, Winters Bone

Best Supporting Male: John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone

Best Screenplay: The Kids Are All Right

Best Cinematography: Matthew Libatique, Black Swan

Best Documentary: Exit Through the Gift Shop

Best Foreign Film: The King’s Speech

Best First Feature: Get Low

Best First Screenplay: Lena Dunham, Tiny Furniture

Truer Than Fiction Award: Marwencol, Jeff Malmberg

Someone to Watch Award: Mike Ott, Littlerock

Producers Award: Anish Savjani, Meek’s Cutoff

Robert Altman Award (ensemble): Please Give

Cassavetes Award: Daddy Longlegs


親見波兰斯基攜夫人Emmanuelle Seigner走紅毯,最佳導演最终歸屬才真正明了啊。第一個獎[最佳首部作]就請上罗波作颁奖人。另外朱迪福斯特(今屆主席)的法语很溜啊....下臺后坐在痞子昆汀旁邊(估計充當翻譯了)...主持人也不忘借機調侃了昆汀一番,間隙居然領上臺一頭怪異的動物(?不通法語所以不明白),真是大開眼界了。




第36届凯撒奖揭晓 《人与神》无悬念夺冠
2011-2-26 11:47:07 来源:Mtime时光网

      时光网讯 当地时间2月25日,第36届凯撒奖在巴黎揭晓了获奖名单。由夏维尔·毕沃斯执导,在本届凯撒奖上获得11项提名的大热影片《人与神》最终夺取了最佳影片、最佳男配角和最佳摄影三项大奖。

      著名导演罗曼·波兰斯基凭借影片《影子写手》摘取最佳导演奖。 最佳男女演员分别由《塞尔日·甘斯布:英雄人生》男星埃里克·埃尔莫斯尼诺和《爱情的名字》女星莎拉·弗里斯蒂获得。




最佳导演:罗曼·波兰斯基  《影子写手》
最佳女主角:莎拉·弗里斯蒂 《爱情的名字》
最佳男主角:埃里克·埃尔莫斯尼诺 《塞尔日·甘斯布:英雄人生》
最佳女配角:安娜·阿尔瓦罗 《冰块的声音》
最佳男配角:迈克尔·朗斯代尔 《人与神》
最佳新人男演员:埃德加·拉米雷兹 《卡洛斯》
最佳新人女演员:蕾拉·贝克缇 《一切闪亮之物》
最佳处女电影:《塞尔日·甘斯布:英雄人生》 导演:尤安·史法
最佳原创剧本:《爱情的名字》Baya Kasmi  迈克尔·历勒克 Michel Leclerc
最佳改编剧本:《影子写手》罗伯特·哈里斯 Robert Harris  罗曼·波兰斯基 Roman Polanski
最佳艺术设计: 《阿黛拉的非凡冒险》
最佳音响: 《塞尔日·甘斯布:英雄人生》
最佳服装设计: 《蒙庞西埃王妃》
最佳剪辑:《影子写手》Hervé de Luze
最佳纪录片: 《海洋》 导演:雅克·贝汉 雅克·克鲁奥德
最佳动画片:《魔术师》 导演:西维亚·乔迈


London Film Critics winners

Film of the Year: The Social Network
Actor of the Year: Colin Firth, The King's Speech
Actress of the Year: Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right
Director of the Year: David Fincher, The Social Network
British Film of the Year: The King’s Speech
British Director of the Year: Tom Hooper
Screenwriter of the Year: Aaron Sorkin
British Actor of the Year: Christian Bale
British Supporting Actor of the Year: Andrew Garfield
British Actress of the Year: Lesley Manville
British Supporting Actress of the Year: Olivia Williams
Foreign Language Film of the Year: Of Gods and Men
Young British Performer of the Year: Conor McCarron (Neds)
Breakthrough British Filmmaker: Gareth Edwards (Monsters)


Visual Effects Society Awards

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual-Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture
Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Mike Chambers, Matthew Plummer

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature Motion Picture
Michael Owens, Joel Mendias, Bryan Grill, Danielle Plantec

Outstanding Animation in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
How to Train Your Dragon
Simon Otto, Craig Ring, Bonnie Arnold        

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Miniseries, Movie or a Special
The Pacific
John Sullivan, David Taritero, William Mesa, Marco Requay          

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Series
Michael Gibson, Gary Hutzel, Davey Morton, Jesse Mesa Toves

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program         
Boardwalk Empire
Robert Stromberg, Dave Taritero, Richard Friedlander, Paul Graff
Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Short
Day & Night
Teddy Newton, Kevin Reher, Michael Fu, Tom Gately        
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Live Action Commercial
Halo: Reach
Dan Glass, Dan Seddon, Matt Dessero, Stephanie Gilgar   
Outstanding Animated Commercial
Cadbury's Spots V Stripes
Jake Mengers, Julie Evans, Jorge Montiel Meurer, Michael Gregory         

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project
King Kong 360 3D
Matt Aitken, Kevin Sherwood, Eric Reynolds, R. Christopher White           

Outstanding Real-Time Visual Effects in a Video Game
Halo: Reach
Marcus Lehto, Joseph Tung, Stephen Scott, CJ Cowan     

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Video Game Trailer
World of Warcraft
Marc Messenger, Phillip Hillenbrand, Jr.      
Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Dobby
Mathieu Vig, Ben Lambert, Laurie Brugger, Marine Poirson

Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
How to Train Your Dragon – Toothless
Gabe Hordos, Cassidy Curtis, Mariette Marinus, Brent Watkins      

Outstanding Animated Character in a Broadcast Program or Commercial
Citron C3 The Spacebox – Citro
Michael Nauzin, Anne Chatelain, Gregory Mougne, Cedric Nicolas
Outstanding Animated Character in a Video Game
StarCraft II - Sarah Kerrigan
Fausto De Martini, Xin Wang, Glenn Ramos, Scott Lange  

Outstanding Effects Animation in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
How to Train Your Dragon
Andy Hayes, Laurent Kermel, Jason Mayer, Brett Miller     

Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture  
Inception - Paris Dreamscape
Bruno Baron, Dan Neal, Graham Page, Per Mork-Jensen  
Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Broadcast Program
The Pacific - The Battle of Iwo Jima
Marco Recuay, Morgan McDermott, Nick Lund-Ulrich        

Outstanding Models & Miniatures in a Feature Motion Picture
Inception - Hospital Fortress Destruction
Ian Hunter, Scott Beverly, Forest Fischer, Robert Spurlock

Outstanding Models & Miniatures in a Broadcast Program or Commercial
Boardwalk Empire - The Ivory Tower
J. John Corbett, Matthew Conner, Brendan Fitzgerald         

Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture  
Astrid Busser-Casas, Scott Pritchard, Jan Maroske, George Zwier
Outstanding Compositing in a Broadcast Program or Commercial
The Pacific - Peleliu landing
Jeremy Nelson, John P. Mesa, Dan Novy, Tyler Cote       

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project
ReginaWelker, Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck, Csaba Letay


American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) winner

  • Wally Pfister: ASC Award for Feature Film, for Inception!
  • Stephen Windon: Asc Award for TV Movie /Mini-Series for the Pacific, Okinawa
  • Jonathan Freeman: ASC award for TV Series – Boardwalk Empire, ‘Home’ episode
  • Michael O’Shea: ASC Career Achievement in TV Award
  • John Seale: ASC International Award for cinematography (Rain Man, Harry Potter, Perfect Storm, The English Patient)


ACE Eddie winners

Documentary: Exit Through the Gift Shop
Animated Feature: Toy Story 3
Feature Film Comedy: Alice in Wonderland
Feature Film Drama: The Social Network

Miniseries or Movie for TV:
Temple Grandin
1/2-Hour Series: Modern Family
One-hour Series: The Walking Dead
One-hour Non-Commercial Series: Treme


Cinema Audio Society (CAS) winner

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures:
True Grit
Production Mixer
Peter F. Kurland, CAS
Re-recording Mixers
Skip Lievsay, CAS
Craig Berkey, CAS
Greg Orloff, CAS

